Sunday, November 7, 2010

Altered Art Bug

Oh my, have I been bitten lately. First the theatre bug and now the altered art bug. I am absolutely itching to get my hands into an altered book. Give me embellishments, stamp pads, paper! Help!

Can I possibly wait until I graduate to start working in art again? No! All I need is a place to work . . .

Virginia Woolf was so wise. A room of one's own. And I think she said something about money in the bank, too. Sheesh. Reality always comes around to bite one on the butt.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Day of the Dead!

Or, All Saints' Day, as we staid old Lutherans like to call it.

Halloween is over for another year. Sigh. I love Halloween. It's the one time of year when adults can act stupid pretending to be someone they're not, and get away with it. Unless we're on stage, that doesn't happen any other time. I don't hold with all the scary stuff, the blood and gore associated with Halloween these days, and absolutely do not think it's an excuse for people to be mean. I think Halloween is just goofy fun.

In keeping with my un-scary costume rule (and I ALWAYS have a costume for Halloween!), I was a Gypsy fortune-teller this year. The only problem is, I can't tell fortunes. I carried around my Jane Austen Tarot cards with the accompanying book. I discovered no one wants to have their fortune told by a woman with a book in her hand. Okay, I admit, that is pretty lame. So one of my goals this year will be to learn to tell fortunes with the Jane Austen Tarot. Don't tell my church friends, okay?