Sunday, October 10, 2010

Glorious evening

Not taken at the wedding,
but the same lovely venue.
Last night was another beautiful evening in the two-week block of gorgeous, perfect weather we've had in Houston lately. Usually fall only lasts about three days, but this year we've had the special blessing of many days with mid-80s midday and high 50s at night. Last night was warmer than expected, still perfect for Julie Templet and Mickey Haranda's wedding at the Houston Zoo. I was honored to have a very small part in the event, as the officiant. Not only was it a great honor for me, I loved doing it.

Which brings me to what I've been thinking today. Lately, I've been backing off the idea of seminary after graduating from UHD. With all the nonsense in the ELCA, I've thought it was no longer the place for me, but where does one move one's tent when it's been so firmly staked in Luther's camp for so long? Still not certain of that. But . . . I believe that I should perservere, perhaps try HGST.

Although I'm still hearing the siren song of that graduate degree in History . . .

But the REAL reason that last night was such a glorious evening is that our beautiful daughter Mary Milan was with us, home on R&R from Afghanistan. Thank you, God, for that special blessing.

Friday, October 1, 2010

When I am an old woman . . .

And when will that be? Another birthday yesterday, and I wore purple. Am I old? Some days, yes. Or perhaps I'm not old, just worn down. Tired of working a job that sucks the life out of my soul, tired of being poor, tired of chronic illness. Ick.

Okay, whining over. On the positive side, I am working on the life list, with some ends in sight. I haven't had a real illness in several months now. Decent boss, even if the job stinks. Adjusting to the empty nest. And the three days of fall we get in Houston has begun. Lovely cool mornings.

My first wedding (to perform) is coming up soon! I will be officiating at the marriage of Julie Templet and Mickey Haranda at the Houston Zoo, next weekend. Very excited! I got my new white stole, and will get my oatmeal alb cleaned this week. I've done lots of baptisms, some funerals, and now my first wedding. When will I be a "real" minister?