Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just Do It

I'm reading The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency -- recommend it, by the way. In it, Mma Ramotswe decides that she wants to open a detective agency, and she just does it. She doesn't worry about credentials. She got a van, a typewriter, a building, and a secretary, stuck her sign out, and just did it.

It would be fabulous if we could do something of the sort. Just step out in faith and do what we want to do. Not that I want to open a detective agency -- although as much as I love a mystery, the idea does have its appeal. But tonight I went a considerable distance to make a pastoral visit to a hospital room and although I am very well aware that it is Not About Me, it just felt so good to do it. I've been thinking this for two weeks, since the last time I did a hospital visit.

Which brings me to the question: If I think I am good at this, and pastoral care and leading worship, etc., feels so right, why in the world am I going to hell--er, the office--every day being a secretary? I am a minister of the Word, not a secretary. I believe that my gifts for ministry are God-given and that it is a waste not to use one's gifts, but I just can't seem to break whatever barrier I keep bumping up against. And I'm not getting any younger. Surely, there is some congregation somewhere that could use my gifts on a full-time basis.

Maybe I should be like Mma Ramotswe and just do it. Stop worrying about a church or church body and just do it. But it takes more than a leap of faith. I don't think I can stick a sign in the yard; anyway, what would it say? "Weddings, funerals, baptisms. Best rates. Call today."

Or, would someone like to gift me with the money to go to seminary full time for about three years?

The detective idea is sounding better by the minute. After all, Mma Ramotswe is  drawn to her profession to “help people with problems in their lives." Isn't that what a minister's job is, as well? 

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